Walk it out

Mya has been on an emotional roller coaster the past few days. She has a top tooth coming in, so I think that the tooth may be contributing to most of the drama that has been going on in her life... although... she is a girl, and as we all know, drama is part of the lifestyle. She is starting to act like Janine, she just wants to be held by me sometimes... and never let go, because simply put, life ends when her dad is not holding her.

To go along with the tooth, Mya has been walking around quite a bit. By walking I do not mean frolicking in the backyard, picking daisies, I mean taking some baby steps towards walking. Now, add the walking to the emotionally unstable baby, and we have quite the combination.

To explain this I would like to use an example of something that happened yesterday. I went over to our friend's house (Josh and Lexy) to deliver some homemade strawberry jam that Janine had made on Tuesday night. All was well when we arrived... then when I wanted to show off Mya's crazy walking skills, things took a turn for the worse. I set Mya on the ground and she stood up as if she was going to walk over to my outstreached arms, but then...it began. She began to produce a sad beyond reason facial expression (those of you that know Mya know this face) and proceeded to cry. Most of the time when this happens she will instantly fall to her bum and ball her eyes out. Not yesterday. She stayed standing and then started walking towards me, little step by little step. I think that she took about 15 steps in all. I don't know what was more amazing, the fact that she took 15 steps or the fact that she was balling her eyes out when she did it. Of course, like the wonderful father that I am, I picked up the crying child and attended to her as soon as she stopped walking.

Well, I did not get that life changing experience on tape, but Janine did film her walking around the kitchen this morning. It is not quite as dramatic as the walking that she did last night, but it is still pretty good.

The second one is of her this afternoon while Janine was home for lunch. It is better than the first one.



  1. I can't believe she is walking!! She has grown up so much!! By the way, we still need to do something-sorry we cancelled last time!

  2. Yay, Mya! :) Such a sweet little baby! Now that she's walking, the REAL fun begins! :)

    I can't speak from experience about the walking, but the teething I DO know about. Hang in there! Her fussiness will eventually go away. :)

  3. I just wanted to let you guys know that I enjoy your blog. While I was expecting my baby I would read it often to get a feel for what to look forward to. Mya's little "do do do" singing is the funniest, most adorable thing I think I've ever heard.


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