I think he believed me. It was then that I decided what I would be for Halloween--a witch.
I love Halloween. I always have. I think I went trick or treating until I was a freshman in high school. I loved grabbing an empty pillow case and running around with my siblings and/or friends to get gobs of candy. I remember that on my final year of trick or treating, my friends and I decided to search for houses that gave out full candy bars. We hit the jackpot in one neighborhood, and it wasn't until the day after that I realized why everyone was trying to give away full-size Hershey's bars. In my opinion, plain Hershey's bars are only good for s'mores, and nothing else.
Tonight was probably my favorite Halloween with the girls. Mya understood the concept completely and V caught on rather quickly once people started piling the candy into her Minnie Mouse sack. "Trick or treat," they yelled as they ran up all the lit driveways. We had a big talk about being brave and being polite to people. I was so impressed with the girls, especially Mya, because she said thank you after receiving every piece of candy. At one point she looked at me and asked, "Mom, are you so proud of me? I am being so polite and I am being so brave by saying hello to all the handsome men." I'm not sure where she was seeing all the handsome men because most of the people handing out candy were elderly women, but perhaps she was confused. I guess that could happen.
Tim and I commented several times about how much we loved watching the girls zig zag down the road. There is something magical about the pitter patter of tiny feet running full speed with excitement (well, unless it's in my house around nap time...and then that pitter patter needs to find a nice resting spot), but I really did love seeing their faces. V kept saying it was like Christmas, and Mya compared the experience to Disneyland.
Anyway, I hope you had a happy Halloween!
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