Austin, Texas

It's no secret that I'm not in love with Texas. At least, not yet. No one should move from San Diego. Ever. And especially not in the summer. Summer in Texas is now high on my list of top 10 least favorite things. It's right up there with incessant whining and buzzing bugs. And there has been a lot of those this summer too. Grr.

In an effort to keep our neighbors from killing us in our sleep because of our "horse" children, I decided to reach out to a good friend of mine who lives in Austin. She was gracious enough to let us visit for a few days the week before school started. Why didn't Tim move us to Austin?! It's still hot and sticky (and filled with bugs), but at least it felt like people actually lived there. I only saw a part of Austin, but from what I saw, I loved it and so did the girls.

While there, we enjoyed a movie in a park downtown, a nighttime neon splash pad, lots of lego building (Nickell has three boys so legos obviously make sense in that home), a train ride, a daytime splash pad, and a chocolate chip cookie baking session. It was so fun. Thank you, thank you Nickell. You allowed us to live another day.

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