time budget

In this house, we live and die by our budget. I know it will not always be this way, but it is for now. If we are following our money closely, I breathe and sleep easier. If we choose to be a little wild and crazy with our purchases, I lie awake worrying at night. Does that happen to anyone else? Maybe it's just me. 

Last night after doing what seemed like an unimaginable amount of squats (realistically it may have been 20) during our nightly workout, I started thinking about something the instructor always repeats, "Quality over quantity people...quality over quantity." He says it in a way that just makes you want to reach through the television and slap him, but when you really start thinking about what he is saying--he's teaching a major life lesson. Quality over quantity. This thought kept nagging me as I struggled to sleep last night because I started thinking about how I constantly lie awake at night fretting about money, but how I hardly ever make myself accountable for what I do with my time all day.

I knew immediately that I had to make myself a time budget and hold myself accountable for my daily actions. Because I am trying to grow and develop some pressing interests, losing track of time and what is really important is often a slippery slope. Black and white must-do activities turn to gray maybe-i'll-do-them-if-i-have-time activities. I started my time budget just as I do with my money budget--I planned the absolute activities such as praying, eating, showering, brushing teeth, playing with the peanuts, reading good books, cleaning, cooking, exercising, etc. Then I gave myself some wiggle room for error just as I do with my bills. Then I add in the hopeful activities such as napping, blogging, catching up with friends, watching Sex in the City. I set limits and put the rough outline next to my bed.

It's a good standard that I know I can judge my days by; however, I have learned to be flexible because life never really goes as planned. Today, Mya fell while running on the sidewalk and skinned her knee and hand. She was devastated and just wanted to cuddle up with me and her "bambaid" while we watched a show. The dishes didn't get done. The dinner preparation was pushed back. And naps were delayed. But you know what? It doesn't really matter. I put her first. She is what matters.

It is important to focus on quality over quantity. When I worked full-time, I saw my girls all of about 2-3 hours each night, but I made that short time count. I got down on their level and played with them. Everything else took a back seat (which usually accounted for our cluttered house). But the cleaning eventually got done. It always does. It was all about quality since I didn't have quantity. Now I see my girls all day every day so I have lots of quantity, but if I just sit at the computer typing or stay in the kitchen cleaning...what good does that do me? I'd lose the quality. So whether you are a full-time mom or you work full-time and parent part-time or you don't have kids at home and have lots of down time, find a balance in your life. Make a time budget. I bet you'll get a lot more done in a day.

What are your thoughts?


  1. I'm taking your challenge! Thank you for the inspiration.

  2. this was definitely a very interesting perspective! i think sometimes we think that being around each other (although we could be doing different things) is good enough. but it's all about HOW you spend your time together that makes all the distance.
    xo TJ

  3. That is such a good idea! i need to work on this as well.

  4. You are not the only one that lies awake when it comes to money. I can guarentee that :) I love this post b'c so often (like a previous commenter stated) we figure we are with them all the time (our kids, husbands, etc) but it's not really so much all the time it's about what we do with it.

    I actually wrote out a schedule (following it is a different story) and put it on our fridge. Now that the holidays are over it would be nice to get a little more back into some sort of schedule. And you are right about being flexible. I had to tell myself that. It's okay if everything doesn't get done today. I need to focus on what DID get done and how I feel about that.

    Whew, sorry about the long comment! :)

  5. Hello new friend. This post is speaking to me {really it just hit me in the head}.

    Last night I thought to myself, "are my kids going to grow up and say, 'my mom loved her computer more than me?'. I'm working on this BIG time. Thank you so much!

    (Please ignore all grammatical errors my English major friend.)

    P.S. Can we be REAL friends? Like for REAL?


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