Beginning to fall...

Leaves. It seems like everyone is taking pictures in them, jumping on piles of them, raking bundles of them to declutter the yard or watching them change and fall. I fall in the final category although I must admit we have taken plenty of pictures in the leaves. I love and dread watching leaves change color and fall to the ground. I love it because it may be one of God's greatest ideas and yet I cringe as I see them fall because I know winter is coming. However, I found this great quote by Hal Borland that may be my motto for this winter: "No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn."

While winter is one of the happiest seasons for skiiers and snowboarders, I do not look forward to winter. I am not a skier. In fact, I have only done it once and while I enjoyed the free-falling feeling I experienced, it is not something I can see myself doing each year. Winter to me equals "stuck in doors." Mya was too little to care last year that she couldn't play on the playground or walk outside because of the snow; however, I know she is going to go bonkers this winter. The only exciting thing about winter is family. We are able to see and be with family. One thing I am missing so much lately. While I pride myself on being Mrs. Independent, I am so excited to see family this year. I cherish the time we have with them and am jealous of those who are able to see their family more than three times a year. So hooray for winter because it is going to bring family closer to home.

This past weekend, we had a great time visiting Michigan. We went out their for the two purposes: 1. Tim's family and 2. The Michigan football game (I will post pics from the game in a couple days. This post was already so long I didn't want to bore you with more pictures.) We had a great time with everyone. We especially loved the apple cider mill where we watched them smash apples and make the best apple cider I have ever tasted. Not to mention the homemade doughnuts. I am sucker for doughnuts. Of course, the game was better than expected. The tailgating was also amazing thanks to Jerry. I am still dreaming about those delicious burgers. And finally, we relished our time with Tim's parents and extended family. Thank you for taking the time to be with us this weekend. You may never know how much we...I needed you.

We also saw some amazing fall colors that I couldn't help but post. Tim photographed all of these shots and I just loved them. I love Michigan in the fall.

I had to post this. We laughed for fifteen minutes after reading the sign. Needless to say, Mya did not touch the mini-horse. Scary.

Cider making process...

One pooped girl and dog after an eventful weekend.


  1. wow. you have a real talent. what gorgeous pictures. how cool to see apple cider made. yum.

  2. Thanks for posting. I loved all the pics. Mya is growing up so fast. Can't wait to see you all for Christmas!

  3. winter playgrounds: University Mall has a play ground...I think it's where mervyns used to be. And there's always McDonalds.

  4. so fun to have you here, we miss you!!


"Be kind and considerate with your criticism... It's just as hard to write a bad book as it is to write a good book." Malcolm Cowley