We had an amazing weekend with my mom, sister and Hayden. I decided I love Halloween more now as a parent than I did as a kid. And I loved Halloween as a kid. I will always remember lugging around an old pillowcase in hopes to get the most candy. It was an all-out war between my brother, sister and me. Each one on a mission to get the most candy, especially the full-size candy bars. This year, I just loved watching Mya discover things. She seemed to enjoy everything about this strange holiday. Tim and I were just talking about what a weird holiday Halloween actually is. The only thing she and Hayden didn't like was the crazy lady that scared them. You will see the pictures below. We just laughed as they cried. Poor things. We will be sure to avoid that house next year. Happy Halloween.
Walking to the scary lady's house. Not knowing what was in store.
Two crying children leaving the scary lady's house
Hayden knocking alone.
Some cute pictures we shot before and during the main event
I love how your evening is documented. Very cute pics that were fun to look at.