
monday morning chatter

I decided February was not really my month. If I could erase it from the calendar, I would. I'm determined to make March better. We kicked off the month just right by making these delicious homemade pretzels and cuddling on the couch. Mya and I also began playing a game that I decided to call "Fact or Fiction". I've been trying to teach Mya the importance of telling the truth, and this was the best game I could think of in a moment's notice. I thought I would play with you.

Fact: I ate three pretzels the day we made them (not good for my diet).
Fact: I felt extremely lonely last week with Tim working at night.
Fact: I am a selfish wife and prefer to see my husband home.
Fact: I started to cry at church today when Mya came running over and gave me a hug before heading to class.
Fact: I missed writing. 
Fact: I haven't been reading anything, and it's killing me.
Fact: The light from the computer and my iPhone has really been giving me headaches lately.
Fact: I love to nibble on V's chubby belly.
Fact: I made the most delicious but not budget-minded lasagna this weekend.

Fiction: I don't mind not having a car.
Fiction: I've been accomplishing my goal of wearing makeup at least four times a week.
Fiction: I got dressed in real clothes two times last week.
Fiction: I missed blogging/networking.
Fiction: Genevieve not napping doesn't bother me.
Fiction: I am not addicted to Tylenol.

Do you have any interesting fact and fiction thoughts to share with me?

Enjoy my Monday morning chatter: 
If you don't know the Monkees, I don't know if we should be friends: Davy Jones dies at 66
I know most people on planes scowl at kids, but do Americans really dislike kids?: A "Childist" Nation
This skirt reminds me of "I Love Lucy" but I think I'd have fun wearing it: Polka-dot Pencil
After almost a full week of red meat, I need some chicken: Baked Chicken Taquitos
Mya still asks me when Santa is coming back so I decided to teach her about the Easter Bunny: Bunny Pin
Tim surprised me and chose this movie last night...this song is one of my top 10 favorites of all time: All I ask of you
I fell in love with this song at 17 and still know every word: Incubus-I miss you


  1. I loved your facts and fictions (especially the fictions!) - here are mine:

    Fact: I love your Monday chatter posts - those links are great!

    Fiction: I am NOT still wearing a pair of dried-on yogurt-covered jeans for the third day in a row. ;)

  2. YEA! We made it through February. I think everyone hates that month- that's why it is only 28 days (most of the time) because we simply couldn't stand any more of that awful month. As far as reading- have you read Unbroken? It's by the same lady who wrote Seabiscuit but it's WAY better! It's about a crazy WWII survivor- totally fascinating and I couldn't put it down. It made me look around and just cry at all the blessings I have.

  3. I love your Monday Morning Chatter! Okay so Fact: I hate my bedroom always being in disarray!
    Fiction: I did NOT eat ranch fried chicken nuggets (homemade) and mashed potatoes and gravy, plus a whopper with cheese and french fries today. :) lol

    Also, I looked at your bunny craft. It looks like fun. I will probably try it with foam so i don't have to worry about the wood. :) Have a great week. See you tomororw and Thursday!

  4. This is such a fun post idea. Those pretzels look amazing. I probably wouldn't have stopped at 3. Fact. Love your blog. Newest reader!


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