
driving with the windows down.

i adore driving with the windows down and have passed my strange addiction on to my squirmy three-year-old who pushes the window button before her seatbelt is on every time we go for a drive. although i loathe tangled hair, i overlook this rather annoying tidbit when it comes to an airy car ride. i often purposefully let my hair out of its ponytail or bun and let it blow in the wind. mya does the same. it's our rebel thing...you know. i tell her she is allowed to be rebellious when it comes to the window rule in the car.

tonight i drove on a dusty back road lined with scattered cornfields and farms. wildflowers dotted the sides of the rode. i felt the need to drive fast--i mean really fast. i admit i normally drive slow and overly cautious with the peanuts in the car, but i was alone tonight. all alone. that never happens. i turned up my music and drove faster than the road signs warned me to go, but i didn't care. the only thing better than driving with the windows down is turning the music way, way up.

and while i'm anxious to live in a bigger city again, tonight i understood why people love the country. this small map dot gives me plenty of roads to drive with the windows down and the music up. thank you peoria. peace out.

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