Creme brulee is my favorite dessert. I still remember when I tasted the delicious custard treat for the first time. Tim and I were invited to a nice restaurant in Provo and were told we could order whatever we wanted. We never get to order whatever we want when we go out because we are always looking for ways to save money so those words sounded like Christmas in our ears.
So we did just as we were told. We are very obedient...when we want to be. And boy did we want to be that night. We ordered separate lemonades, entrees and desserts. Tim went for the cheesecake and I opted for the creme brulee. I instantly loved it when I felt my spoon crunch through the hardened sugar. I love when dishes have multiple textures. The custard melted in my mouth and it was all I could do not to lick the ramekin in front of our esteemed guests. I may or may not have sneaked a few finger licks when no one was looking.
And so my love affair with the dessert began and has never ceased. I specifically check all dessert menus before heading to a restaurant just to see if they sell it. If they do, then I order a cheaper entree. If they don't, well...I order whatever I want.
Well, seeing as we don't eat out all too often these days (and if we do...we are only invited at Red Robin), I decided to take matters into my own hands. I wanted creme brulee so I made it. It didn't set up as I had hoped (I am quite the perfectionist in the kitchen), but it tasted perfect. Tim and I mustered all the self control possible to not eat all three ramekins in one sitting. It sorta worked.
It brightened my dampened spirit, and I do believe that creme brulee is my cure all. I just might have to make it again this weekend.
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