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Three nights ago, I witnessed hunger in its purest and saddest form. I stood in the sole grocery aisle open and tried to mind my own business but couldn't stop myself from staring at the quiet elderly couple three customers ahead of me in line.They only had two cans of generic soup in their basket and silently placed the cans on the moving belt. The woman pulled out her pocketbook and together the man and woman paid for their small meal with pennies and dimes. I couldn't hear everything they told the cashier, but I heard them apologize for the inconvenience of paying in coins and mention something about not receiving their social security check. Embarrassed, the couple quickly collected their change and headed for the exit.
In that moment, I regretted the fact that I didn't have a few extra dollars on hand to give to the couple on my way out the door. I wished I had enough money in my account to take the woman by the hand and have her buy anything she needed to fill her refrigerator and cupboards. Even now, I am ashamed I did nothing but watch the entire scenario unfold without doing a thing.
Hunger. It's real. It's around us even if we choose not to pay attention. My stomach was basically in my ankles the rest of the night as I considered the couple, but something else bothered me almost as their two measly cans of soup. As this couple put their change on the small counter, the people in front of me at line did everything they could to divert their eyes and pretend it wasn't happening. I saw them look at the couple, look at me and finally look away.
Whenever I thought about hunger previous to Thursday night, I usually thought about children. It has always pained me to know thousands of children go hungry day in and day out. I am a sucker for children holding up cardboard signs. I can't imagine letting my kids go without food and help other kids when given the opportunity.
However, I had never considered the elderly going hungry. This couple appeared to be your run of the mill grandparents. They looked just like my own grandparents, but here they were hungry and without food. It made me sad. Really sad. I missed an opportunity to serve. I will not do it again.
my monday chatter:
i came home on thursday and looked up several articles on senior hunger. here is one: senior hunger
i am ready to go for a swim...anyone else?: striped bathing suit
i'm in the mood to decorate for easter: easter chicks
who says you need to live in utah to eat the most delicious breadsticks e.v.e.r: pizza factory breadsticks
i dug out this old album this week and have been singing to it at the top of my lungs: animal instinct
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