We've been here for five days now. In some ways, the days have dragged on and on as we've dealt with whiny and bored kids while attempting to unpack in a semi-quick fashion while in other ways I keep praying time will slow down so that Tim doesn't have to return to work any time soon. As a side note, unpacking with three kids is impossible. And we thought we were master unpackers...not so.
In the past five days, I have seen more BMWs, men with bleached tips (I honestly didn't realize that was still a fashion trend...I had thought it died along with khaki cargo shorts back in 1999), yappy dogs in purses, bikinis, fake tans and palm trees than I have seen in the past two years. My simple world of sweats and a baggy shirt will not do over here in the land of the sun. I have definitely felt the need to kick my style up a notch. I have the wardrobe to do it, but do I have the willpower??...
I have to remind myself I'm not in Wisconsin anymore every time I smile or wave at someone and that said smile or wave goes unnoticed. Some lady at the pooled scowled at our crazy brood the entire time we splashed around. She made me uncomfortable so I decided to scowl right back at her until she felt uncomfortable too. I'm a real grownup. But hey, she stopped staring at us with her mouth open.
A elderly Russian woman approached me as I sat peacefully in the pool and pointed her old, wrinkled finger at me and said, "Are all these kids yours? Stop! Stop having kids. If you just keep having kids, you'll just have more messes to clean later. Kids don't appreciate their parents." What was I supposed to say to that? I smiled and was never so happy to hear Mya whine for me to play with her. I guess it's true what I've heard around here, "People have more dogs than they do kids." Well watch out San Diego, I have my hands full. (Can you guess how many times I've heard that?)
Oh this all sounds so negative. I will stop there. I don't mean to be negative. There are just noticeable differences here that make me miss my yellow home so much and my retired neighbors who smiled at me every morning and every evening. Blah.
To end on a very positive note: San Diego is beeeaaauuutiful! I can't say it enough. There are blue skies for days. The air has yet to be too hot or too cold. Blue is really loving all the dogs he sees on his walks. My girls are enjoying the constant pool time (p.s. We get to swim in the most exquisite pool I've ever seen). The watermelon is red, ripe and juicy. And tomorrow we are going to discover a beach that doesn't smell like poop. Sorry Lake Michigan....you stink on the Milwaukee side and while we enjoyed you last summer, I'm really looking forward to a cleaner adventure tomorrow.
Welcome to San Diego.
Oh Janine, how I miss you! Bridget still says "Ya-ya! Ya-ya!" every time we drive past the yellow house. Marshall is getting incredibly frustrated that Bridget doesn't understand that Mya doesn't live there any more. It sounds like you have definite bright spots in your experience thus far: perfect temperature, a great pool, a nice beach-I hope you keep discovering wonderful things. Your post reminded me though that my mom was in San Diego in February helping my grandparents and during a Costco shopping trip she saw two women in a heated argument over a cart; it reminded her she was not in her Centerville, Utah Costco. :)
ReplyDeleteone reason why it will be hard to leave utah for me (and I didn't even grow up here)