But I think we are just about done. We're on our last rental car of this move (we've driven five different cars in the past three weeks) and all 80% of our art is on the walls. We'll get the rest up right after I'm done jotting down a few things.
I'm not quite sure how people blog during the summer months. I just can't figure out how they squeeze in even five minutes when the kids are jumping into their swimsuits every other minute or begging to ride bikes in the sun. My kids haven't really requested any tv time since we arrived because they have discovered why everyone loves California. There is no reason to stay indoors when it's beautiful outside. And we are happy to oblige their active lifestyle as long as they allow us to just sit on the curb and watch every once and awhile because these old bodies of ours just can't keep up with their sprightly young ones.
And aside from being outside all day long, our new house layout is so different than our Tosa home and doesn't really make me want to blog because I wouldn't be in the same room as Tim. I know that sounds completely lame, but I enjoy having him in the same room to talk to as I think through things, but there wasn't any available space in the living room for our computer so it ended up in our bedroom. Blah. I'm still getting used to the idea, but you work with the space you have, and well...that's all the space we have.
Our house is coming together. It actually feels like a home now. Not necessarily my home because I don't really ever imagine my home being made of stucco and a tile roof, but it is a wonderful place to live. I have been a basket case trying to get everything organized before Tim returns to work because I know as well as you know that the moment he starts working any cardboard box remaining in the house will always remain in that spot.
I have to be really honest...I have been awful in the past six weeks. I've been swearing like a sailor and I've been dealing with moments of serious anxiety, and it's been hard. Really hard. I was telling Tim the other day that I'm not really sure how anyone could expect me to react any different considering our crazy life, but then in the quiet moments of my day I realize that I can react differently. I can calm down. I can see the beauty in our situation. The biggest gifts I get to take away from all these moves are the friendships that I've made along the way. I now have friends living all over the United States. It's amazing.
I'm not really sure why I want a permanent lifestyle because looking back, I've never actually had one. Things in my life have always been in a constant state of motion, and yet great things have come from them. I am looking up. I'm swearing less (crossing my fingers). And I'm smiling again.
No more posts about moving. I'm done with it. And that's the last you'll have to hear about all this nonsense. Thank goodness.
{just look at how crazy tired we look}
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