some random things.

{my little elle belle}

1. If you must watch soccer (my least favorite sport), you should watch it in Spanish because I can without a doubt guarantee that the Spanish announcers are the best on the planet. GOOOOOLLLLL!!!!...they scream with such enthusiasm that you feel the urge to learn how to speak Spanish just to understand all their screaming.

2. I double dog dare you to add a pinch of lime and a splash of sugar to your strawberries the next time you decide to eat them for a snack. You won't regret it.

3. Watching movies where the main characters are children (such as The Chronicles of Narnia) are extremely difficult for me to watch because the acting is so baaaaddd!. Gag. Tim's downstairs watching one of the movies in the aforementioned series and I just couldn't take it so I came upstairs to write about how much I dislike kid movies.

4. Why can't every action flick have Liam Neeson in it just to add a little comic relief? Who can take him seriously?!

5. I am very over the mustache trend. You know the whole a fake mustache up to your face to make a statement trend? I'm never quite sure what statement they are trying to make...unless they are announcing they are having a boy baby.

6. I can't completely understand the new lingo happening on Instagram. You know it. I know it. I refuse to read posts written in language similar to the following: "She's totes beaut." What the what? I see it everywhere and wonder who made it acceptable. I should also note that I also refuse to use the common texting abbreviations. Yuck.

7. I saw a group of people celebrating a one year old child's birthday at Disneyland. That's ridiculous. At least wait until they can remember meeting The Mouse, right?

8. Snarky is my favorite adjective at the moment and it's probably because I've been so dang snarky lately that I just can't get it off my mind.

9. I always feel overdressed in my tankini or one piece when I visit my pool. No one covers up here. No one.

10. In and Out Burgers are still my absolute favorite. And I've tried quite a few all over the country at this point.


  1. You're back! I'm glad. :) Bridget saw the picture of Blue and immediately said, "Ya-ya's dog!" Good luck with Tim starting work tomorrow; I'll be thinking of you!

  2. Loved all of these posts! Glad to see you posting on your blog again. Love all tge pictures. I have strawberries, lime juice, and sugar. I will give it a try!


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