
a night alone

Most days I get about forty minutes of alone time. It's not a lot, but it's something. I'm usually running my heart out during those forty minutes. I take those precious minutes to hurt and heal and think and pray and just be...just be me.

However, the other night an exceptional thing occurred. The kids were in bed early, Tim was off on a date with Mya, and I had no work left for the week so all of sudden I realized I had time alone. I decided to forgo folding the laundry and read two fashion magazines while watching college football instead. My magazine pile is stacking up because I never have free time to browse through them. Reading the magazines prompted me to deep condition my hair and paint my nails a naughty shade of red.

I was so happy that night. I was happy that I took some time for me. Too often I just lump my exercise as my "me" time, but I need more than that. Here's hoping I can make it happen more in the future.


  1. Awesome for you!!!! That is one thing I am working on this week. Making sure I do something for me, once a day. Even if its reading for 10 mins. Oh and Mya will do great with school! She is so cute. Tell her Ben loves Kindergarten. And soon they can write each other letters and send them in the mail :) love u guys.

  2. LOVE this! Its been way too long since I've painted my nails.


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