
my current life

So Mya is gone a lot these days. I didn't realize how much her absence would be noticed, but it is. It sounds so foolish, but I have to admit that I miss my Mya. A lot. I miss her, but I know school is good for her and for us. I find myself listening more carefully to all that she has to say because I only get to hear her for a few hours each day. I don't miss her crazy tantrums. Who could miss those? But I do miss the moments I'd find her singing to herself in her bedroom or when I'd find her dressing up her animals just to have someone to dance with.

I guess I am writing this post for me because I honestly can't believe I feel this way. I'm dealing with separation anxiety I didn't know I had.

Aside from the obvious anxiety, I feel the need to express my gratitude to all the teachers out there who willingly give their time and talents to help kids grow. I studied to become an English teacher and while my goals of teaching have never come into fruition, I am so glad I studied what I did because it has helped me tremendously as a mom. I know what teachers go through. It isn't pretty. But I am so glad they are there. Mya loves her teachers. She trusts them. She is already learning so much, even though I she remains tight-lipped about her school days.

Thank you teachers. Thank you for all you do. Because for moms like me, who might be sad to drop them off each day, knowing I'm leaving my girls in your hands makes the anxiety that much less.

1 comment :

  1. What would we do without amazing teachers? Brooks has had such good luck with great Teachers who he adores. I find myself missing him as well. But, on the other hand it has made me more patient when he comes home from school, and I love all the exciting things he has to say about his day.

    Caught up with your blog. I'm horrible at checking blogs. Love it all and miss you! I can't believe how big V looks. They all are growing so big!


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