
i will never forget.

I will never forget that day--that dreadful day in American history. I had the morning off from my bagel shop job and decided to sleep in before I started my other job later that morning. I awoke to the sound of my sister screaming. Not shrieks or shrills. Just the words, "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh" over and over again.

All at once it seemed like everyone stirred in the house. We were up and out of bed and huddled in front of our old box television set watching the plane crash into the first tower. The news just kept replaying it. It was like a bad dream. And then the second plane in hit the second tower. Silence. Not a word was spoken on the t.v. or among my family members.

A pit of fear formed in my stomach that day. Fear for the people in New York City that day. Fear for my future. Fear of war. I remained glued to the television until the hour came to get ready for work. I numbly threw on unironed work clothes and jumped into my blue Neon. Unable to cope with the reality, I drove in silence. I didn't want to hear another word about the terrible tragedy that day.

I drove up to an empty building, which was strange because the building was always packed with cars. I parked and walked up to find the building locked and a note on the door that read: "Business closed today. Go home and be safe."

I pulled out my block, yellow Nokia (my very first cell phone) and called the boy I was dating at the time. He and I worked together so I wanted to let him know he wouldn't have to go in either. We met at my house instead. We watched the news again. I cried. He stayed silent. I asked him if he thought the U.S. would have to go war. He didn't answer. We both knew that if they did, he'd probably have to go because of his age.

We were so naive. So young. We did not understand the gravity of that day. I am not sure I still do. I still can't believe I watched it happen.

Every September, I remember them. I remember the fallen. I remember the rebuilt. They are all heroes in my book. I will never forget.

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