
DC and the Potomac

We went to see the White House while we were in DC, but we didn't see the President... surprise, surprise.We went to Georgetown for lunch and ate at Five Guys. It was delicious as so big that Janine had to take off one of the buns and one of the patties. It was funny because Janine asked what size she should get and the girl at the counter said, "Girl, you eatin for two! You need the regular size." Although she is eating for two she regretted getting the "regular" sized burger.

While we were in Georgetown it started to downpour. We didn't really care and just walked around and enjoyed it.

Here we are outside of the Lincoln Memorial, looking out towards the Washington and the WWII Memorials.

We went to the Potomac river that is right by Sarah and Dave's house to see the sunset.


  1. It looks like you guys had a great trip!! I am excited to see you & your belly in a few weeks in UT

  2. funny, we have that same picture.

  3. Looks good guys. Thanks for coming and visiting us! Janine, you learn pretty fast that at five guys, regular really means double, and a regular portion of fries can feed two people :)

  4. some people don't like hearing this, but i'm gonna say it anyway. you are such a cute pregnant woman! really! it looks like you guys had a blast too. thanks for posting. p.s. i love the picture of you two at the top of your blog. gorgeous! miss you.

  5. you were right in my area! my husband and i live in maryland now and also love five guys. congrats on the pregnancy!

  6. Sooo fun! It was awesome seeing you J9, we REALly need to talk more often, I miss you! and you are the dang cutest prego!


"Be kind and considerate with your criticism... It's just as hard to write a bad book as it is to write a good book." Malcolm Cowley