
Losing my mind.

So I am not one of those pregnant ladies that counts the days or the weeks. In fact...most of my pregnancy...I have not known what week I am on to tell people when they asked. I think I am somewhere in the 33 or 34 week range now, but like I said...I have no idea.

The most frequent question I get is about my experience with pregnancy. Well, here is the answer. I did not like pregnancy for the first 17 weeks. I felt nauseated all the time. I would gag at the smallest whiff of raw chicken or old potatoes. I couldn't handle the heat and although I was going through those first 17 weeks in the winter, I couldn't find a place cold enough to stay in. My hardest chores were brushing my teeth and washing the dishes. I definitely didn't like the scent of old food. And who knows why brushing my teeth was such a horrible experience.

After 17 weeks, things began looking up. I wasn't as tired any more. I started to eat normal. I was able to brush my teeth normally again. I resumed my normal lifestyle. The middle months have been great. I have loved feeling her move and kick. My body hasn't grown that much so I feel every movement. Sometimes when she kicks...it really hurts, but I am getting used to it.

Now as time passes quickly, reality is setting in. I am nervous for labor. Who knows what that will be like? People give me tons of advice, but I don't know who to believe. I am so tired these days but our lifestyle doesn't allow us to take a break. Tim and I are still managing two complexes (just until Aug 31st...then we only manage one). We both mow the lawns still although my grass days are coming to an end. We both work on campus and are starting classes in the fall. Most people wouldn't think I was pregnant except for the large basketball I carry in front of me.

Tim and I are so excited for little Mya to come. Tim told me the other day that he just wants her to come. We are both curious as to what she will look like. I don't care what she looks like. I just hope she has a similar personality to Tim. Tim is calm when I am not. He laughs when I stress about things. I wish I was more like him. I am so happy I married him because he is my balance in life. He is everything I am not. Currently...I am losing my mind. People say that your memory gets shaky during pregnancy and of course I didn't believe it until recently. I am usually a very organized and responsible person, but lately...I can't get a handle on things. I forget things constantly. And Tim just has to sit back and watch me spaz while I try to remember where I put things or what I am supposed to be doing at a certain time. He is good to me though. He always helps me calm down.

So all in all, pregnancy has been an interesting experience. It is strange to think that I love someone I don't know at all. I am anxious for her to come. I will keep you posted.


  1. Janine- I totally know what you mean about losing your mind. Except that I think I lost mine a lot earlier than you. I think my students began to wonder if I knew anything at all. Enjoy your last weeks of pregnancy! I hope you get some time to rest!

  2. Janine- This is Jonathan's wife, I just wanted to say Congrats on being pregnant! That is so exciting.. I am prob way behind on my congrats, (sorry). But we are super excited for you!

  3. janine, good luck with the dilevery! you look so cute, i am sure your baby will be beautiful.

  4. you explained it very well! it brought back a lot of memories. especially the losing my mind part. also, my advice about labor? well i loved my epidural. you gotta do what you want to do though. you'll know what it's like soon enough. can't wait to hear the good news!


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