
Our sweet girl

Another family photo. Mya is beginning to like the binkie.

Look at that beautiful smile. She is always smiling.

I think she looks like a little worm when she is all wrapped up.

Mommy/daughter time

Grandma Kathy came to visit. Mya is her little princess.

One night, Mya was so hungry that she began sucking on Tim's nose. It was really funny.

Bright eyes

She is such a girl.

We visited Brianne and Alyssa again. They love holding her.
Alyssa is going to be a great mom.

I just thought this was a sweet picture of her.

Tim loves when Mya wears hoodies.

Our happy baby

No worries...she is doing better with baths.

I love it when she raises her eyebrow. She is a lot like Tim.

Tim took this picture last night. She had a rough night last night and we needed the binkie as much as she did.

Tomorrow, Mya will celebrate two weeks of life. After one week she had already gained weight. She was up to 7 lbs. 4 oz. I bet she is more this week. She loves to eat. She is still so sweet and only cries when hungry. We laugh all the time with her. We are grateful for her addition in our home. We have also been very blessed by both our moms. They have helped us more than we could've expected. Thank you.

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