
Taking small things for granted...

So I am at work right now watching Mya sleep soundly in her bouncer, I started thinking of the little things I took for granted pre-Mya. Here are just a few things:
--Doing laundry quickly: I had to have my neighbor hold her yesterday as I switched the laundry over from the washer to the dryer.
--Doing two loads of laundry a week: Yesterday I had to wash and dry four loads. Mya is a spitter-uper so we can always expect double laundry.
--Clean couches: Seeing as Mya spits up on everything but herself, her clothes, and her blankets--our couches and floor now are stained by throw up. I will be dry cleaning the couch covers more often now.
--Being somewhat on time to things: I will not say that I was always on time to work and school but I definitely tried to be close. Now I am usually 15 minutes late because I have to make sure I have everything before we go. I usually return home once realizing I forgot something.
--Carrying a small purse: Although I am adjusting to a large diaper bag, I miss just carrying my wallet or a small, normal size bag.
--Eating all of my meal at once: Mya has excellent timing. She wakes up or cries right in the middle of meals. I have learned to eat my sandwiches in fourths because it takes about an hour to finish it.
--Walking on campus without people staring: I am pretty sure that people are either shocked or disgusted that I walk to campus with Mya strapped to my stomach. I think the freshman girls look at me and think..."Oh please don't let that be me next year) and the guys think..."Poor girl. She will probably drop out soon." I think the looks they give me are funny.
--Sleeping in a bed: I have slept on the couch so many nights...by accident...almost every night since Mya was born. When she wakes up to be fed, I wake up and feed and burp her but by the time we are done, I am asleep with her in my arms. Of course she loves it because she can cuddle up to me...and she is my cuddle bug. I just miss sleeping in my bed.
--Chatting with Tim at night: One of my favorite things to do is talk with Tim before bed. We used to go to bed around 10 and talk until 10:30. It was so fun. Because of Mya's eating pattern...I usually fall asleep around 8:30 or 9 so I can wake up when she wakes up. I miss Tim.
--Eating whatever I want: I am constantly watching what I eat so I don't give Mya gas. She has really been struggling with it lately and I just feel bad for her.
--Doing things easily: It's not that Mya makes life hard...just more complicated. I am so used to doing things a certain way that I am having to change my routine. It isn't always easy making a sandwich with one hand or cleaning the house with a crying child.

So there are things I took for granted pre-Mya. I hope it doesn't sound like I am not happy to be a mom because I really am. To prove it, I will tell you the things Mya has improved in my life.

--Laughing: I am not a person who laughs a lot. I just don't. I don't know why but it doesn't come naturally to me. Mya makes me laugh. Tim makes me laugh when he is with her. I
--Taking life at a slower pace: Thinking back to President Monson's conference talk, I needed something to teach me to live in the present. I was always worrying about yesterday's choices or thinking about tomorrow's plans and decisions. Mya makes me live in the now. It has been so nice to slow down and enjoy life with her.
--Drinking lots of water: I think my body has never been healthier. I drink so much water to offset breastfeeding. I can't believe it. I feel great.
--Playing dress up: Although Tim normally dresses her in her first outfit of everyday, I get to choose the other outfits she wears throughout the day. (She normally goes through two or three because of bathroom or spitup accidents.) I love playing dress up. She looks cute and that motivates me to look good to. I have worn makeup everyday since the second day she was born.
--Writing in my journal: I used to write in my journal all the time. I was an avid writer from high school through my mission but got out of the habit upon returning. She makes me want to write things down and remember them. I have written a lot since I found out she was a girl and especially since she was born.
--Appreciating Tim in a new way: I find myself asking Tim to do a lot for me these days. For example, I ask him things like "Can you bring me water? Can you bring me a burp rag? Can you get this...or get that? Can you...can you...can you?" As much as I find myself annoying, Tim is a good sport and always does it. He is the greatest husband and dad I could've asked for. Really...I wish you could see him for just a minute.
--Taking more walks: Mya and I walk everywhere together. We go to the bank, school and work all by walking. I love it. I enjoy being outside. I never wanted to be one of those moms who stay inside all day. Yuck.
--Accepting help from others: I have felt so blessed since Mya was born. I realized how great our families and friends really are. I have a hard time accepting help from others but this situation has made me realize how much help I need. So many people have offered to make meals or take care of Mya...I feel truly grateful. So thanks in case you are one of them. First thanks for offering help and second, thanks for making me accept it.

So there are just a few things. I will try and post some more pictures of our little family later. I have some cute ones. Mya wore her Halloween costume last night to our ward's annual chili cook-off. She went as a little chili pepper and got the "knock your socks off award." I wasn't able to make chili but considered putting Mya in a bowl to see if could win something and we did! She is so dang cute.


  1. I was in france for work, and I had the weekend to site see. I wish I had enough money to go to Paris for the weekend "just because". It was great. Glad you are adjusting to mom life.


  2. You nailed it! Aren't kids great? I have the same problem with eating my meals all at once... I swear every time I make a nice dinner Daniel either wakes up or gets really fussy right when we're sitting down to eat, so Pete and John get to enjoy it. And I enjoy it cold 15 minutes later.


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