
7 hours + 14 brillo pads + 2 trashed rags + 2 cans of oven cleaner + 6 broken fingernails + 1 full trash can of grease + 1/2 bottle of liquid drain-o = 1 clean and functioning stove/oven

We made it to Illinois on Sunday night and have been unpacking and cleaning ever since. Pictures of our new place will be posted after the house is completed. The house is just as I thought it would be. It is still an eye sore from the outside, but we are making it our own special eye sore. Tim's mom planted flowers outside the house which made a world of difference. Inside...well, let's just say that every night Tim and I have to wash our feet to get the black off before jumping in bed. Just walking around on the carpet makes them completely black. We will be buying rugs soon. The oven/stove was a complete disaster. It smoked the moment it was turned on. So I literally spent all that time cleaning the dang thing and it still isn't up to my cleanliness standards, but it works. I would cook on it. The house had at least one TV cable in each bedroom which the nice Comcast guy willingly cut off. We don't know who lived here before. Obviously a dirty, smoking, TV watcher. But we will make this house our own. I already met a neighbor--I think he is about 11 yrs. old and his name is Dionte. I had never met a Dionte before IL.

We already got lost downtown. I thought we were going to be killed. But we lived. We decided it would be best to discover the town in the daytime next time. We found a Target, Panera and a local grocery store. I am currently unpacking the kitchen today so maybe we will start cooking again soon. Both our stomachs can't handle fast food anymore.

We just wanted to let you know that we are alive and well. A little dirty but okay. Talk to you soon. P.S. I miss you Utah. But in a now I feel like I should own a gun kinda way.


  1. Hang in there mama! You'll make a palace out of it yet!

    Love, Ash

  2. Man I would give Rusty's left nut to be out there with a pair of latex gloves pitching in...that kind of cleaning (well, most kinds of cleaning) are just so much more fun with friends. I miss you guys even more knowing you're farther away from us. Love you guys...can't wait to come out and visit!

  3. I am so glad that you made it. We had an apartment once with the same carpet. I just got used to wearing slippers. :)
    We sure miss you guys!

  4. I can't believe you are already here/there! Can I come help you? I live kinda close... Wow, it sounds like your work is cut out for you, but I'm glad you found Panera, it can be a life saver when you don't want to cook but you want something somewhat fresh. I'm glad you are safe and well!

  5. wow! good luck with everything! moving away from utah was one of the hardest things i ever went through. it took me about a year. now i'm happy and we're loving indiana. maybe we could meet up someday :)


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