
Today I have decided to embrace the eighties. Not really by choice of fashion but by choice of comfort. My bare legs felt so chilled this morning after I threw off my overstuffed comforter that I quickly searched for the closest pants to my bed. I found my black leggings. I donned them with a bulky high school t-shirth (that Tim hates) and pulled my freshly colored red hair back and pinned up the crazy bangs. I am quite the scene. I had no intention of continuing this outfit until 3:28p.m., but I don't have the will to take it off because I am so darn comfortable. And I think my legs look pretty good in these leggings, but that's for me to judge and for you to turn your nose up at. Tim will probably take one look at me when he gets home and head right to the kitchen to find the delicious dinner waiting for him (and to avoid looking at me). Here's to the gray and rainy day and my comfy 80s getup.

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