Timothy James

Timothy James
Born on 5/5 at 12:11pm
8 lbs. 
20 3/4 inches

Yesterday, just after the clock struck noon, I became a mother again and this time to a boy. Unlike his sisters who entered this world in what always felt like lightning speed, he stubbornly and slowly crawled out of my womb. Apparently he wanted to remind me for maybe the hundredth time that boys are different than girls, and I should never compare the two. Got it Timmy...got it. :)

The disconnect I felt for him during pregnancy is slowly fading away, being replaced by a unique bond that is hard to describe in words. Just know that he is already so loved. He holds my heart in the palm of his hands. 

I will share my labor story another day--I'd share it today, but the medicine is starting to seep into the smart parts of my brain, leaving me with mush. I am grateful he is here. I love him so much, and my love for him has only amplified the love I already feel for his sisters and especially his dad. 

Welcome to our little world Timmy! Not only do I hope you survive your sisters, but I hope you love them as well because they are anxiously awaiting your arrival tomorrow. I love you buddy. 

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