
monday morning chatter

 [I was looking through pictures the other day and found this gem. Mya @ 9 months not enjoying the water fountain.]

Normally I write my Monday morning chatter on Sunday night just before bed because Mondays are normally insane at our house. Well, I decided it was much more important to talk to family and friends last night that I went to bed without touching the blog. I'm sure that happens to you too.

I don't know what it is about Mondays, but they are hard on everyone. My peanuts don't even know the days of the week, but Monday still seems to attack them just as it does the rest of world. Naps seem shorter. Tantrums seem longer. And schedules seem out of whack. Oh Mondays.

Minus my persistent headache, the weekend was great. Tim and I got to go on a rare date. It was so fun to be alone. We took two walks on Saturday because the weather was dreamy. And we ate delicious homemade pizza to put an end to our weekend. I don't think it gets much better than that.

P.S. It's going to be 70 degrees all week. Guess who will be pushing the double stroller around our sketchy neighborhood everyday? 

How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun?

Here's my Monday morning chatter: 
This comic book artist will surely be missed by many young imaginations: Sheldon Moldoff dies at 91
This book sadly made little to no difference on America: Still a Fast-Food Nation?
Watch out Pinterest: Are you legal?
I think I'd wear this dress all week long if it was part of my wardrobe (step up from sweats?): Striped dress
Last week's craft was a success so I thought I would try another bunny craft with Mya: Cone Cup Bunny
Our friends invited us over for this meal last week and it rocked my socks off: Sweet mustard pork chops
This song still makes my head bob up and down at a rapid speed: Zombie


  1. Aww that picture is so cute! Yummy home made pizza :)

  2. That picture is precious. Charlotte was the same way when I first took her to a splash park. Wish I'd gotten a picture of it.

    Also, I love the dress you highlighted. As for a step up from sweats...I don't consider sweats too low on the totem pole. Is that bad?


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