peanut wonderings: what class would you take?

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I am currently completing one of my new year's resolutions--I am taking two college courses. One on improving personal writing and one on modern poetry. I had hoped to attend a live class, but it didn't work with our schedules so I settled for independent study. I thought I wouldn't like doing a class on my own because I am not always motivated to start things, but I have really enjoyed reading and brainstorming on my own time.

The classes are now filling some of my down time that I would normally use for the blog because I must complete them before May so please be patient with me if I miss a day or two.

Participating in these classes has really renewed my love of learning. I miss college and constant learning a lot. If you could go back to college and take a course, what would you take?


  1. Oh, I would take SO many classes! I LOVED university, and if I could only figure out a way to get paid to go, I'd NEVER retire! I'd take lots of literature classes - I loved writing essays and reading novels and discussing the books...oh I'm so jealous! :) x

  2. I want to take some photography classes, cooking classes, and maybe some interior design classes. I just hasn't made sense yet for us to spend money for me to do more schooling when we are in tons of student loan debt already and these classes wouldnt actually add any money to our pile. Someday I will though.

  3. I think I might take childcare classes and also languages classes such as spanish, chinese or russian. =)
    I'm thinking of taking Dutch classes again this year.

  4. i think a language class would be great. or sewing or history (i love learning about world war 2)...hmmm...interesting to think about....part of me wants to take a writing or lit class too. i LOVE school, and got my degree, but right now doesn't feel right for me to take classes

  5. Probably more ASL classes. or Spanish. Or, ooh, a creative writing class. and this sounds totally lame but some calculus classes. I feel terrible that I've forgotten how to do all that stuff that I worked so hard to learn. A photography or ceramics class would be nice too.


"Be kind and considerate with your criticism... It's just as hard to write a bad book as it is to write a good book." Malcolm Cowley