
peanut wonderings: what part of your body causes you the most pain?

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Pain is relative. What may hurt one person may not even phase another. I hate being in pain, and although I try to tolerate pain positively, I am still such a wuss. I have been suffering from constant headaches and migraines for the past two weeks. No amount of legal medication has helped. I've considered hitting up south Peoria for the hard stuff.

I hate when my feet and head ache. I cringe anytime my peanuts step on my feet. I'm not sure why they are so sensitive, but they really are. I also hate the dull thumping at the back of my neck. It paralyzes me in ways I cannot describe.

What part of you body causes you the most pain?


  1. Urgh, pain in my neck and shoulders is the worst! I hate it, its such a drain on my body!

  2. Oh man, my lower back bothers me constantly... It is hard to explain to someone who does not deal with chronic pain, ya know?

    I am excited to be your newest blog follower!

  3. Anything near my head as I feel I can't escape it.Rx


  4. stumbled onto your blog and just wanted to leave you a little blog luv!my KNEES!!! i work out quite a bit and i can tell that i am getting old! after a good workout my knees are killing me



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  6. I have a nerve that gets stuck in my ankle and it's not so painful most of the time but it can be and sometimes I can't sleep at night and have to take medecine.
    The pain that I fear the most is teeth and ear pain. I don't have them often but when they come, I'm a mess.


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