
peanut wonderings: where is your favorite place you've visited?

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I love to travel. Do you know that about me? While I don't claim to always be spontaneous, I am when it comes to hopping on a plane or in a car and visiting a new place. I can't tell you how many vacations have been planned on a whim and borrowed money. I've been on a lot of exciting adventures as I have visited the following places (not all inclusive): California, Nevada, Oregon, Illinois, Michigan, Florida, Virginia, Maryland, New York, Missouri, England, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Czech Republic and Argentina.

So what has been my favorite place? It's hard to choose. I love Argentina because I lived there and allowed myself to become a part of the culture. I love Cinque Terre, Italy because I can still remember hiking between the cities in my bathing suit with my best friend while enjoying the best gelato in the world. And I love Key West, Florida because watching the sun set over the vast water with my sweet man still gets me giddy. 

Can I have three places? I actually have more but those are places I think about almost daily. What is your favorite place?


  1. My current favorite place is Roume Island off the coast of Conakry, Guinea (my current home). Conakry is a very difficult place to live. It's very crowded and very dirty, and often mentally exhausting.

    As you approach the island, it's like you're entering the set of Lost. While there are some houses on the beach and a few locals, it's not nearly as chaotic as the city. A quick hike across the island and it's like a different world. The beach is so peaceful and quiet, and the little restaurant there is delicious. Last time I went I ate shrimp the size of my fist. It's a very welcome distraction from the craziness of everyday life.

  2. Definitely Switzerland, that place did NOT disappoint. Banff Canada was a close second, it was absolutely stunning. Oh, but then there is Peru and Costa Rica, its hard to pick!

  3. We went to Sri Lanka on our honeymoon, and it was the most beautiful place I've ever visited. I would love nothing more than to be back there in the sunshine! x

  4. my most favoritest place i have ever been and experienced would have to be rome, italy. i have never been somewhere with so much history still in-tact. i was with some of my very best friends, and the experience altogether was something i will never forget! i was fascinated with the history.

    oh take me back!

  5. Fiji for sure. The people there are so friendly and it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to go there after I studied abroad in Australia, which is my second choice. Anytime you get to know the people/culture makes a place all the more special and memorable.

  6. Mmmm, Lake Garda in Italy or the waterfalls where they filmed 'Jurassic Park' in the Dominican Republic (can't remember name). I really want to visit Cambodia as I've heard it's amazing.Rx


  7. Paris! That city is so not overrated even though I thought it would be. The eiffel tower is absolutely stunning- looks so much bigger in realy life that it actually takes your breath away. Oh, I want to go back so bad!

  8. I LOVE to travel! I spend at least half my day thinking about where I want to travel next. The most amazing place i've ever traveled is Nepal. But, Komodo, Indonesia and Spain are a pretty close second! I am dying to visit Argentina!

    Happy Monday!


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