
a field of wildflowers

These pictures are amateur quality at best, but I don't really care. They capture the moment perfectly. Just before leaving Peoria, I decided to explore some of the back roads with the girls. We had absolutely nothing in the house to entertain ourselves so it was up to me to find fun outside activities for an entire week. Of course it turned out to be one of the hottest weeks of the year. One day while we were discovering the hidden parts of Peoria, we found a field of wild flowers. 

If you know Mya--you know she adores flowers. She would pick flowers all day long if possible. She loved this field because there was a potpourri of flowers. V did not like this activity. She doesn't really like grass so the tall grass really irritated her skin. I was happy to get a few good pictures of her. Mya was anti-pictures that day so this was the best I could get. 

1 comment :

  1. So I'm thinking V looks way more like you now. At first I thought she was another mini-Tim and now I'm changing my mind. Holy smokes.


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