
my ya-ya.

Oh my ya-ya girl. She is something these days. All these pictures were taken within a thirty minute time frame. Notice the three outfit changes. Tim and I talk about Genevieve all the time because she really is something. It's as if she has a four-year old brain with a three/four-year old body and two-year old emotions. 

She never stops talking. Never. Even if I ask politely...or not politely depending on my mood. She is oblivious to life happening around her but so attentive to all of her "daughter's" needs. She calls her baby doll her daughter. She is really struggling with Elle these days because Elle is learning to hold her own when it comes to toys and food and mom and well, everything that V likes. You can tell she loves her, but just today she said, "I don't like Elle Belle." She is aggressive towards her sisters but rarely displays that aggression in any other scenario. 

She idolizes Mya. She wants to do everything she does. And she insists Mya does everything she does. School has rocked her world. She cries every time we drop Mya off and begs me to take her to her preschool. She loves to learn and sits with me for hours reading books about letters, Minnie Mouse and princesses. We recently started focusing on learning the alphabet, and she has taken to painting and drawing just as Mya did two years ago. It is crazy to think that V is currently the same age as Mya was when we moved to Peoria. Where in the world did that time go? 

Forgive the blurry pictures; it is impossible to get Genevieve to stop for a second to take a picture. She'll have none of it, and I love her for that. She just wants to live life rather than try and record every minute with a photograph. She is my dancer. She knows how to get to the music on the iPad and will find Taylor Swift just so she can twirl again and again and again. She is my naughty child. She knows what's wrong and right, but she doesn't really care. She does it anyway. She loves to lift up her dress (it's all dresses these days) and pretend to toot on her sister. I have no idea where she learned that...and even though I try to put a stop to it immediately...it really is impossible not to laugh at her. She loves to stick her tongue out and say "naaa-naa--naa." 

She's a goof. She is so different than Mya. She is a complete joy and also a total frustration at any given moment. My favorite thing she says right now is "Elle does __________ like me does." Everything is "like me does." I correct her to no avail. Oh well. I adore her, and she knows it. 

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