
tunes i'm bouncing to when no one is looking.

Jay-Z--Holy Grail ft. Justin Timberlake 

Miley Cyrus (get over the controversy)--Wrecking Ball

Katy Perry-Roar (such a weird video)

John Mayer-Paper Doll

I'm really bringing the music back into my life lately. I always forget how much I love music--all music. I will listen to anything as long as it's decently clean. The f-word isn't really music to me so we'll just leave it at that. Music really does brighten my otherwise busy days. I love seeing Mya hum along to my music. Kid music is not allowed in the car unless we are trapped in that awful box for longer than an hour. Then...and only then...will I budge and throw some Disney music on my Pandora station. 


  1. Glad to see that someone else doesn't allow kid music in the car :) I feel like we can keep it pretty clean by pre selected music on the iphone without having to hear "the wheel's on the bus" 80 million times. We get enough of that at home. Oh and "Holy Grail" is ma jam! New Miley song sounds promising.

  2. Good tunes, but why does Miley have to be such a hooker about everything now, it just bugs and it makes me not want to listen to her because it just drives me nuts... anyway... I LOVE the John Mayer tune, he just keeps getting better in my book (although if you go to one of his concerts he drops the F bomb like nobodies business... but its nice of him to keep his songs clean)


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