Mya is a wildcat

Thanks to Taylor, Mya is now able to enjoy her new favorite song... Wildcat. When Taylor was over at our place before the big race last weekend we were listening to some great songs that we had listened to one year earlier when I ran the half marathon with Taylor, one of them happened to be Wildcat by Ratatat.

For those that do not know this, Mya has a deep love for cats... why, I can't tell you. I detest them and Janine holds no love for them either, but Mya, she really likes them. I think that it is because our wonderful babysitter has one that lets Mya do whatever she wants to it. Thus, the love for cats has grown and now she just lights up and says "Ooooohhhhhh" and makes a face when she sees one. Right after doing this, she will run after the cat until she can touch it.

We will shortly be going to visit Janine's uncle in LA. He happens to have a bunch of cats. After thinking about this Janine said, "At least Mya will be in 'Hog Heaven' with all those cats". Oh, you better believe she will be.

Well, without further adieu, here is Mya, doing the "Wildcat"....


  1. It makes me wish I was home during the day. You two are so cute.

  2. That's hilarious Tim. I can't tell who is enjoying themselves more, you or Mya.


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