Beautiful girl

Our friend and longtime photographer, Nickell, took these pictures of Genevieve six days after she was born. I think she did a great job considering the fact that Genevieve would not stay asleep like a normal newborn, and Genevieve's skin was literally flaking off during every picture. Looking at these pictures makes me sad because Vie is already getting bigger. Of course, that's life, but there is something so sweet and simple about the first week of life. Vie is awake a lot more and is much more aware of her surroundings. She would be the happiest person on the planet if someone held her all day long. She is still very much a cuddler, and I am still enjoying our alone time very much. Nickell, thank you for taking these pictures. I really love them.

Mya/Genevieve Collage

So many people tell me that Mya and Genevieve look alike. I do think they look like sisters because they have some similar features, but I also see all the differences. They are very different to me. Not only in the way they look but the way they act. It has been so interesting to have two female children who are so different.

1 comment :

  1. Vie looks like Tim! I see it now! Particularly in the latest picture. How beautiful.


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