
Recovery has been good. The doctor told Tim that the D&C went well, and there weren't any complications. I checked in the hospital around 6, the surgery began at 8 and ended at 8:20, and I left the hospital near 11. I have been a little dizzy and have had slight cramping. All to be expected. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. I have received a number of emails and messages from unexpected people and also from people who I knew would be there the moment I needed them. You know who you are--I love you.

I believe the only way to really recover other than taking care of yourself is by helping someone else. Someone close to me, who I happen to love more than I think she knows, just had a baby with unanticipated complications. We are hoping for the best and have complete confidence in the doctors, but it has been nice to focus my attention on her and her little one. Good luck friend. I know you are reading this, and my only wish is that I could be there with you. I have always loved this quote, and I am sending it your way: "You've got to get through the rain to get to the rainbow."

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