peanut wonderings: can you spot the HUGE error?

So in an effort to make my February Crush Project work, I started emailing some of my favorite bloggers/readers last night. I probably should've waited until this morning because I wasn't feeling too hot last night and had just taken a heavy dose of Alka-seltzer before sitting down at the computer. I sent this email to one blogger. See if you can spot the mistake:

"I was wondering if you would like to be a guest blogger on my blog A handful of peanuts... in the month of February. I am contacting some of my favorite bloggers and asking them to send me a picture of me and their spouse and answer one of the following questions:"

Did you see it? Did you gasp out loud when you read it? Or did you miss it like I did when I did a quick review of the email before sending it? Let me narrow it in a little for those of you who missed it.

"I am contacting some of my favorite bloggers and asking them to send me a picture of me and their spouse and answer one of the following questions:"

Ummm. No. That is obviously wrong. I do not want people to send me a picture of me and their husband. Oops. I sent a correction email but doubt they will participate because they probably think I am insane. And perhaps I am.


  1. Oh mylanta! That is a good one! It's a great project idea though, so if your blogger has a good sense of humor she'll probably love your email and your project : )

  2. Hi Janine! I clicked on your blog from Young People in Love and just had to say, this post was quite funny! Those little errors happen to the best of us :)


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