a love text: Gina

I've known Gina for over three years now. She and I met at church, and I instantly admired her when I watched her teach. She is a fabulous instructor. She has a way of saying things that just makes me smile. Gina is a recent newlywed. In fact, she was just married on the 11th. I can't express in words how happy I am for her because I know how lucky her spouse is to have her. She is amazing.

Do you still have his first love note? What did it say?

Hmmm...he doesn't write love notes.  He just doesn't roll that way.  Unless you count texts.  I'm not sure I remember the first one I'd consider a "love note" but he once texted:  "I love that complete strangers feel comfortable around you.  I love you."

Not as great as some stories, but good enough for me!

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