A not so private first kiss: Joanna Goddard

I was so nervous to write Joanna to help with this project because she is such a popular blogger, and I am well...not so much. It took me two days to muster the courage to email her. Imagine my surprise when a few days later I found this little note in my inbox: "I'd love to be part of this, what a fun idea." I was introduced to Joanna and her blog: A Cup of Jo by my best friend who had been following her for years. A Cup of Jo has become one of my favorite blogs because Joanna is an amazing writer. She blogs about things that mean something. She is genuine and real in every post. If I could meet one blogger, it would be her.

What do you remember about the first kiss?

After our first date, Alex walked me home from dinner, and, although I was usually a pretty slow mover (I'm a Michigan girl!) we kissed outside my apartment. The funny part? We were on busy Bleecker Street in downtown Manhattan, so even late at night, crowds of people were passing by. Three drunk guys passed us and yelled, "Look at the lovers!" Very romantic...we still sometimes joke about it, five years later. :)

i will be featuring different pieces of some of my favorite bloggers and readers' love stories throughout the month of February since it is the month of love and all. So don't be alarmed if you have lots of posts from me this month. Happy "love" making, and I mean that in the cleanest way.


  1. so cute! I love Cup of Jo, too! She is so wonderful. I'd love to share my first kiss, too!


  2. Thats awesome that she shared on your blog. I've enjoyed reading everyones stories! I can tell you about the WORST kiss. ha When I was 19 (no real kissing experience) a boy at BYU-I that I had been dating leaned over and kissed me. He slipped the tongue (I wasn't expecitng that)....And I bit it!!! hahah He pulled away and yelled, "you bit my tongue"!!! hahah We never went on another date.....I haven't shared this story with many. Its taken 4 years for me to find it funny!

  3. sweet kiss!!! love love love our blog!!! following you now.. hope you could visit my blog too.. kisses!!!

  4. oh you are so sweet!! thank you so much for including me:)


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