
Five years ago I married this man.
Five years ago I learned he takes over half the bed at night. 
Five years ago I discovered this man was an excellent reading partner. 
Five years ago I realized Tim would always smell delicious, even in 117 degree heat. 
Five years ago I watched him stick his head in the sprinklers and knew life was about to get crazy. 
Five years ago I decided to put Tim first. He has always done the same for me. 
Five years ago this man made my body tingle with his touch. Still get that tingling feeling. 
Five years ago this guy taught me to love sports. It is still our favorite past-time. 
Five years ago marrying this man was the best decision I had ever made. Still is. 

I love you bun. You make my days bright and my nights brighter. You are my everything. Thank you for giving me room to wiggle and grow. Thank you for not giving up on me even when I wanted to give up on myself. Thank you for being the best ever.

In honor of you...we sang you a familiar song. 


  1. Happy Anniversary!! What a lovely post. Hope you guys have many more years of happiness!

  2. Yay! Holy crap. I can't believe that was 5 years ago. Also, I had totally forgotten about the sprinkler thing, until I just read it. So thanks for that! :) I laughed out loud!

  3. That's funny: we share the same anniversary date. Happy 5 years!


"Be kind and considerate with your criticism... It's just as hard to write a bad book as it is to write a good book." Malcolm Cowley