the big baby

I've been alone this whole week, and it has been going surprisingly well. I won't lie...I'm totally exhausted and ready for Tim to come home every single day, but I feel the last two days have been successful. I was expecting the worst. Thankfully, it hasn't been that bad.

I've just had to rearrange my priorities and do my chores at night when the kids go to bed so I can devote all my attention to the little peanuts. Believe me...they need it. Genevieve. 

I think she is having the hardest time with the new baby. She just doesn't understand why the baby doesn't always want a binkie. Or why mama can't hold her all the time. Or why Mya spends more time gazing at Elle than playing house with her.

I have been struggling with how to deal with her too. It is a delicate situation because she is currently exploring the tantrum/independent phase of toddlerhood but still wants me to be with her every minute of the day. For those of you don't know V, she is an absolute joy. She has this incredibly happy personality that just makes me smile for days. I don't want to destroy that joyful personality by constantly repeating "no," "don't," "stop it." I can always tell I've overused those words when her smile is replaced by confused tears.

You see...she is still a baby. She is only 19 months old. Her cognitive ability is not where Mya's was when she was born so she is still trying to understand why there are so many limits and rules when it comes to the new baby. And quite frankly...I think she still wants to be seen as a baby even though she is fighting for her independence.

I am trying to give her the time she requires. Sadly, it is no where near what she used to receive, but we are working on a new schedule. I love my big baby. She has the happiest heart. And the cutest belly (notice the picture above).


  1. Your concern proves you're doing a fantastic job! There'll always be that struggle to be independent/ still treated as your baby- Ben is 7 and it's no different now!Rx

  2. She DOES have the cutest belly! I'm sure it'll get easier - I hope so, anyways! x


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