dear god.

dear god,

i feel you.
i feel you in my morning snuggles with genevieve.
i feel you as you feel my mind with light each morning as i read your words.
i feel you when i yell.
i feel you more when i say i'm sorry.
i feel you when i stop and watch my babies wrestle and giggle together.
i feel you when i walk blue each morning and talk to you in a whisper.
i feel you every time tim smiles at me.
i feel you whenever i feel lonely.
i feel you as i think about my family and remember their lives are in your hands.
i feel you when the wind touches my face on my runs.
i feel you every time i write.
i feel you in a delicious bowl of apple cinnamon oatmeal laced with candied pecans.
i feel you each time i accomplish a goal.
i feel you nudge me to do hard things.
i feel you scold me when i ignore you.
i feel you smile every time i take minute to listen to mya's crazy antics.
i feel you hug me when my dad hugs me.
i feel you laugh when i say something smart.
i feel you when i listen to my mom ramble on about faith.
i feel you in elle's smile.
i feel you all the time.


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