Our week with Rusty, Whit and Co. in pictures.

It has been a busy week. So busy that my left knee is aching again in a very painful way. I thought it had healed after the half marathon, but this week taught me otherwise.

Rusty and Whit came to town for Whit's brother's wedding. They decided to come a few days early to visit with us. Our friendship with Rusty and Whit is like air--I need it to survive. Several months ago, I started telling our girls that they are family because in my reality, they are family. I think it's cute when the girls get excited to see their "cousins." We've spent a lot of time seeing beautiful things, talking about everything and nothing, and drinking dirty DPs. 

Every time we see them, I always get the urge to dismiss all future plans and move back to Utah to be close to them. I'd do it if there was a half decent job available for Tim. I'd even move to their tiny town and buy a bit of land so the kids could roam for chicken eggs. 

But I don't think that plan will ever pan out for us. When we lived close to each other in Provo, we once promised to try and see each other at least once a year, and so far, we've made it happen. We're going on seven years of solid friendship. 

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