real life.

No posing. Okay, a couple of posed pictures because my girls can be such posers...the stinkers. I tried to sneak up on my older girls the other day, which required quite a bit of crawling around on my hands and knees, and I snuck a few pictures of what I see on a daily basis. Once they caught me, they only wanted to smile for the camera.

Genevieve has learned to be quite the tinkerer from her sister. She's always putting things together and taking them apart. I love her curious personality, and I love that she looks up to her sister so much. 

Mya was riding her bike the day I took the pictures so I only got a posed one. She loves being outside. She begs me to stay outside, even when it's freezing, and no other kid would dare go outside. 

Elle can always be found twirling her hair or picking her nose while she watches a show, especially Mickey Mouse. She gets so into it that I don't think she has a clue what she's doing. Haha. 

P.S. I am fully aware that I need to get rid of Elle's binkie; the lady at the local market makes sure to tell me every time I grab milk that it's a shame I haven't taken it away yet. "Tsk, tsk" she whispers as she scans my milk every. single. time. And every time, I repeat to her that the reason she still has it is actually for my benefit because I haven't figured out how to deal with her meltdowns sans binkie, and I'd just prefer to keep it a few weeks more while we adjust to potty training. And how can you not adore that binkie face?

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