four months

This little baby of mine is four months old. Can you believe it?! She is such a happy baby. Sure, she has her moments, but mostly those moments revolve around eating or sleeping. If she's hungry, she lets you know it. If she's sleepy, she lets you know it. I am so grateful for all the reading I did between Genevieve and Elle because I think I am actually starting to get the hang of newborns. You know...after four kids. ;) I often feel sorry for Mya because I had absolutely no clue what I was doing when she was an infant.

Felicity is really starting to discover her hands and feet these days. She's constantly kicking her legs with delight and holding her knees in the happy child yoga pose. Her first tooth broke through just after she turned three months, and I believe the second one is close to the surface. I couldn't believe it when I felt a tooth that soon. Who is this kid?! My other girls teethed closer to 6-7 months so this was a real surprise. But although she runs a mild fever and has boogers for days, she consistently has a pretty cheerful demeanor. Thank goodness! I'd never survive otherwise.

She can roll over from her stomach to her back, and she's really good at tummy time, though I admit I am really bad at remembering to let her do it. She adores her sisters. She calms down at the sight of them. The other day she was fussing in the swing (she's my only kid who enjoys the swing), and the girls put on a dance show for her, and she instantly quieted down. She is so curious about it all. She watches everyone as they pass by, and she smiles anytime someone familiar smiles at her. She's still not sure about strangers yet.

Oh how I love this little baby. I crave our alone time in the afternoons, and I love to rock her to sleep, even if my back doesn't agree at this point. Who knew having four kids could be easier than having one kid? Tim and I maintain that having Mya by herself was way harder than having all four of the girls. Sure, there are some insane moments, but for the most part, we just fall together like the perfect puzzle.

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