We're still alive--just alive with sun-kissed skin

We just got home from Arizona so these white little bodies are now sun kissed. Can you even handle Elle in that bikini? It makes me smile every time she wears it. Summer is consuming me. We spent 80% of our time in Arizona in the pool and upon returning home we spent 4 hours in our make-shift baby pool outside this afternoon because Felicity was sleeping. Water is always present in our daily activities.

Here are a few of my favorite things that the girls said on our trip: 

V: "Mama, let's go catch those wizards. They're everywhere. Wizards are everywhere." (Lizards)

Elle: "Mama, you catch that bad guy that keeps taking my wipstick. He's a weal bad guy. I wike my wipstick, and he can't have it." (Lipstick)

V: "Dad, look, look! Look at that cross! Jesus died up there on that cross."
Mya: Look of utter stupor--"Wait? What?! Jesus died in Texas?!"
Me and Tim: silent laughter for a really long time

Mya: "Do you think we can break Papa's house into lots of little pieces and stuff it in our bags to bring back to Texas? I don't want to leave his house in Arizona."

V: "Mom, see, see!! I didn't pee in my panties. Can I now go to kindergarten?"
Me: "Well, let's see your panties from an hour ago." ;)
V: "Hmm. I don't know where they are."

Elle: "Mama, you listen. You listen to me. You are my friend. You Elle Belle's friend, and you love me like this much." (stretching her arms wide open)

Girls: "Mama, you make the best chocolate cake. Now, can I have two more pieces? Pretty please."

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