Hello summer.

And just like that, somehow it's the last day of school. We started the school year off with a snow cones, and it would only be appropriate to finish it with one. (And as a completely relevant side note: sugar-free snow cones are not worth eating.)

Almost immediately after school let out this afternoon, it began to feel like summer--the girls lounging in their swimsuits all afternoon, snow cones melting on the hot cement, dozens of teenagers doing cannonballs in the pool, and sticky bodies being rolled into bed after a long, exhausting day. Even though last summer was hard because of the move and the small living space we were forced to inhabit for a brief stint, summer was so, so good to us, and even though I openly admit the idea of summer break makes me nervous, my heart was happy and excited to pick Mya up from school today.

For a little over two months, she is mine--all mine. I get to choose the curriculum we study, the pictures we paint, the conversations we have and the games we play. Together, with her sisters, we are going to explore north Texas. I am determined to love where we live, and I know they will help me do it (so long as the whining is minimal ;)).

Goodbye kindergarten. Hello summer. Goodbye unexplained tardies and absences. Hello slow mornings and lots of days of hooky. Goodbye sweatshirts. Hello flip flops. Goodbye pasty white skin. Hello sun tans. Goodbye pants. Hello swimsuits. Goodbye hot chocolate. Hello snow cones.

Summer, I welcome you with open arms. Just please don't kill me.

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