A pre-Christmas visit with some of our favorite people

Two weeks before Christmas, my parents came to visit for a quick weekend. It has always been hard for my dad to travel around the holidays because my dad is a grocer, and the grocery business is a bit out of control from about the beginning of November to the middle of February (you cannot believe how much money is spent in preparation for SuperBowl Sunday). However, he managed to sneak away with my mom for two days, and the girls were in heaven. My parents haven't visited the girls together in over a year, and mostly, because it just works better with their schedules to travel separately. I never complain because two weekends with extra hands is always very helpful, but it really was such a treat to have both my parents together with my girls before the holidays. I can't tell you how much I miss my parents during this festive season.

My parents gave Tim and I nearly an entire day alone as they insisted on taking the girls out and about while we shopped or did whatever we wanted for a solid block of time. Looking back, I really should've opted for a nap, but no, Tim and I had fun shopping for some very necessary shoes and a few presents for people in our Spanish group at church. We also grabbed pizza and talked the entire time without interruptions or whining or bathroom breaks or peek-a-boo. Whenever Tim and I have uninterrupted time to just "be" together, I remember why we work so well together. He is my very best friend, and he allows me to talk about everything. So thanks dad and mom, thanks for always insisting we get out while you're here. Alone time is so desired and rarely achieved.

My parents also did a special family night with the girls and taught them a few extra things about the three wise men. I didn't know how well the lesson was received, but a few days later, I found Mya wrapping three different presents for her friend at school: a) a necessity, b) a spiritual gift, and c) a fun gift. So apparently she learned something. ;)

Quick trips are hard on the girls because they don't understand why people can't stay forever, but we will take whatever we can get. Thank you for everything dad and mom! We love you.

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