cereal box robots

It rained for 90% of our spring break, which was basically my personal punishment. I had all these great plans to discover new parks and donut shops, but the storms were so bad that we could hardly leave the house.

So my brain had to go into overdrive and create daily crafts to keep the girls (and neighbors) entertained. Somehow I managed to divert several fights and perhaps possible deaths with glue sticks and glitter.

One morning I couldn't stand the girls whining any longer and was staring into my pantry, searching for a midmorning snack (preferably chocolate) when I realized I had several empty cereal boxes waiting to be taken to the recycle bin when an idea occurred to me that the kids could transform the boxes into robots. I cut out lots of shapes and threw googly eyes, glitter, glue, pipe cleaners and markers on the table and let the kids go crazy. It was really fun.

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