Birdie at 4.

Birdie is her name. She’s a flighty little thing. She is silly, naughty, thoughtful, and wild. She mostly resembles Genevieve in her behaviorisms, probably because they’re roommates. She is sneaky, and we often hear scurrying footsteps on the wood floor at night because she tries to hide from us when she’s supposed to be sleeping.

Felicity found her voice this year after her ear surgery. It’s been wonderful to hear her voice fill the rooms in the house, but boy do they fill the rooms. She is hardly ever quiet now, and it mostly makes me smile. There are days when I have to ask her to take breaks from talking because it’s just too much for me. 

She is still as loyal as can be to her light pink star blanket, which we all affectionately call “num-nums.” She carries it with her everywhere. I often find it shoved at the bottom of her backpack because she hates leaving it behind. She has a love/hate relationship with Timmy, mostly love but man, she really loves hard. Timmy is usually pretty forgiving and lets her pull him this way or that way, but he too is finding his voice and is beginning to assert his independence, much to her dismay. 

She is becoming very creative with the way she plays, and she is often serenading me with cute concerts or jumping up and down in an aerobic exercise show. She is not as thoughtful in the production her shows, so I mostly laugh at the whole thing because nothing ever makes sense.

She loves to read before bed, and she says the sweetest prayers that make me feel a connection to God that I often lack in my own prayers. She loves church and primary, and she Is very sweet to all the kids in her school class and her church group. 

I love this little Bird of mine. My favorite conversation of ours goes like this (and we do it multiple times a day): Me-“Birdie, who does mama love?” B-“Birde” Me-“How much do I love you?” B-“So much.” Me-“And why do I love you?” B-“Because you made me.” Me-“That’s right baby girl.”

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