Genevieve at 7.

Whenever people ask me how I manage life with 5 kids, I always answer: Genevieve. Genevieve is a natural born mother—better than me to be quite honest. She is more patient and willing to listen to the babies when they cry or whine, and she is always slow to anger around them (well, unless provoked by Mya…we’re going through a stage). The babies adore her, and we’re all sad when she’s at school. 

Genevieve is happy, slightly shy, coy, and devious. She is the sunshine in our lives 90% of the time, but she is the darkest cloud in the sky during the other 10%. She is a runner, meaning she runs from her problems. She struggles to apologize and hates to be wrong. She recoils when someone yells at her (ahem…Mya), mostly because it’s always directly in her face. She’s recently started fighting back but not against Mya, she takes it out on the babies, which has been a little tricky to navigate. 

She is sweet at school. Her teacher says she’s always the first to help. She is sensitive to others and tries to include people in her circle. She loves science and reading. She struggles with math, but we’re working hard at it. She writes her teacher notes, and she still writes her kindergartner teacher from Texas as a penpal. She is extremely diligent in doing so. And I love their relationship. 

She is not as easy to teach as Mya, but she does have a curious spirit about her and when she’s interested, she will listen, and she always remembers things. I am so impressed by her memory in the morning when I review the previous day’s scripture reading. I don’t know where she stands with faith. She’s a bit quieter about that, and that’s okay. 

She is my angel girl. We don’t always see eye to eye, but we love each other with a fierce love that somehow only makes sense to us. I love my Genevieve Grey.

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