summer snow

Summer snow fell from the treetops as we walked gingerly up and down the street, not having anywhere to be or any schedule to follow. The cottonwood trees are shedding their fluffy white snow-like buds, and it felt a little like December in June, and it was the perfect scenery for our first summer day. Those fluffy bunches fell around us all day as we ate lunch on the deck, swam in the lake and dug in the sand. 

Today was a great start to summer (minus the van alternator needing to be replaced for a whopping $500). The kids and I spent 5 lazy hours at the beach with friends, and I just loved watching the water ripple with each young body plunging into the deep areas or Timmy bending over to build a sand castle with his pants holding on by a thread. 

Please let summer be this good. We need some good time together--to heal, to unwind and to laugh.

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