Strawberry picking

So I basically live in a swamp. The humidity here is real and thick, and it sometimes takes my breath away. My hip has been injured for over a month, which has been extremely irritating because I was really ramping up my mileage, and now I'll have to start over once my hip stops acting up, but the hip injury has at least helped me avoid the terrible humid runs of summer. 

I'm sure there are a lot of advantages to humidity (I can't really name them at the moment), and I am certain that the biggest advantage is how great crops grow here. You can find anything you want here. When my mom was here a week ago, we drove an hour up to St. Joe, Michigan and picked red, ripe strawberries (please tell me you love that book as much as I do). It was a lot of fun. The kids even found frogs after strawberry picking and had a great time letting them hop around in their hands. 

So hooray for humidity when it comes to produce, but not when it comes to my body temperature.

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